Category:Construction -> Construction materials -> Marble and stones Country:All countries Featured companiesP.P.H.U. Gigam-Bis Sp. z o.o. [polish] [english]
Since 1984 Gigam-Bis has been producing concrete products.
Currently we are specializing in production of:
* prefabricated concrete fences of ferroconcrete panels measuring 50x200 cm
* sandstone imitating six color vibroprass fences
* sandstone imitating elevation tiles murki oporowe- resistive wall
* we are making atypical orders
* resistive wall
* 10 cm thick strengthened fence panels[...]
Xiamen Fabulous Building Material Co., Ttd. [polish] [english]
Centuries pass, our stones you then tell our story ...
We supply: headstone, grave, mausoleum, columbarium / columbaria, vanity tops, tiles, fireplace and doors made of granite & marble.
Contact Staff: Tedesco KOBAYASHI
Email tedesco.ko @
Languages: German, Dutch, English, Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese
Wydobycie i obrobka kamienia piaskowca.
Produkcja elementów elewacyjnych, obudów kominkowych, usługi kamieniarskie.
Produkcja mebli z łaczenia ze soba materiałów: szkło + kamień + stal + drewno.
Projektowanie elewacji zewnętrznych oraz wewnętrznych w oferowanym kamieniau.
Koampleksowe wykonywanie elewacji z kamienia z włąsnej kopalni.[...]
Kamień Dekoracyjny [polish] [english]
Enterprise Commercially Service Produkcyjno what is "Statolith" it came into being for You especially. For valuing customer beautiful dress up own house or can broadcast every interior valuing unique charm yaks thanks our products flat. Products of our firm are suitable to use in every of home rooms being useful him exquisite, unique appearance perfectly as well as they will introduce to State of house the exceptional atmosphere of cosiness and it entertains they will charm with their charm[...]
AKROPOL Irena Ludwicka
Jedyna firma produkująca kolumny w CAŁOŚCI, (bez uciążliwego składania z elementów).
Każda wysokość i średnica.
Dokładność wykonania: 1 mm.
Dokładne kopie kolumn klasycznych.
W ofercie również gzymsy, tralki, pilastry, itp.[...]
Astone Service
Produkcja i handel w zakresie kamienia budowlanego, ogrodowaego i drogowego. Granit, bazalt i piaskowiec do wszystkich zastosowań, w tym: kamień murowy, kostka brukowa piaskowcowa, bazaltowa i granitowa i inne produkty z kamienia naturalnego.[...]
Nowa Era Kamienia [polish] [english]
The company Nowa Era Kamienia is the leader among producers of artificial facing stone. Operating on the Polish market since 1989 the company is very well acquainted with the potential clients expectations and offers wide assortment of facings. In present commercial offer we have the following kinds of stone: chiselled sandstone, rustic, English, desert, cobblestone, cartagena, valenzia, cascata and colorado, two further kinds, arkansas and reef are in preparation. We produce corner stones for every[...]
Colour Stones
We are manufacturers of Granite bath room sinks and vessele sinks in Garnite stones since one decade.
We have many colours like , Grey, White, Pink, Yellow, Black Galaxy, Visak Blue, Tan Brown, Paradiso, Madura Gold and etc..
We also manufacture paving stones of all sizes and thickness like 1cm to 100cm and length from 15cm to 300cm and width from 3cm to 100cm.
We have many finishes like, Flammed, Flammed and brushed, Honed, Sand Blasted , Bush Hammered and Natural Split.
Sinks in many[...]