Patron-block filters are used to clean air from small dry dusts, non-glue and non-explosive. Filter is used in metal, textile and food industry, so every where in production process arise dry pollution. To patron filters are applied "GORE-TEX" and "ULTRA-TOP" inlets.
Products available in versions passable with capacity up to 1800m3/h and stationary.
Polluted air is sucked from emission zone and go to patron chamber. Pollution accumulate on exterior patron surface. Cleaned air is throw away outside the filter.Block filter construction We use a high efficacy filtration materials thanks to this cleaned air may recycle inside working area. Exceptionally in cleaning air from materials having asbestos, cadmium or beryl and also in plasma cutting the air must be removed outside working area. Patron filters are cleaned automatically with impulse of compressed air by filter brushing system, which is composed of pressure container, electric valves and jet directing compressed air into patron filters what causes tearing off settled pollution and its falling down of drawer
Compressed air is ensured by customer. Such air must be dry, without any constant contamination, water or oil. Required device pressure is 5-6 bar. Standard product is equipped with silencer and that is why noise level do not exceeds 72d B(A).